PART ONE | Make Hay…
While the sun shines, it’s important to take some time to calm down and make the most of the light to see what it is we have.
In recent months We were all told that unless we were ‘key workers’, we should down tools and take some time away from our jobs. Whether we wanted to or not.
And I did not want. I had a busy few months lined up with various clients. Both in the studio and on set, then just like that, it went pretty tits up pretty quickly. Alas, a global pandemic forced my hand and I furloughed my plans and have tried to find a new way forwards.
For a few weeks I didn’t step foot in the studio and at the time I didn’t realise what a blessing that would be.
The main gift I got is spending some quality time with my son and have the paternity leave that living in hospital robbed me of in those first desperate weeks of his little life. It has been a joy and I have learned so much from him, including my favourite new word, ‘Molb’.
A behind the scenes still from the Mark Jenkin short film ‘Hard, Cracked the Wind’
So… what have I been up to?
EFFING LOADS!! And over the next few days I’ll be writing a little more detail about what’s going on at Photography by Thom Axon.
But in broad strokes, here is what I’ve been tinkering away at during my lockdown…
The ‘COVID PLAN’ is well underway and I have gone to great efforts to really think of a sound way forwards. I believe that I can offer my services (and exciting new ones!) going in to the future. Tomorrow’s post will be all about this, so stay close.
I have got a new name for the business and am squirrelling away at a rebrand.
I have invested (way too much) in new equipment and have upgraded my office space so that it’s looking SNAZZY!
From early on in the lockdown I have been learning and training hard and will soon hold my PfCO. Don’t worry about the jargon, I’ll explain all in a later post.
My connections have been growing and I’ve been building a community and a team around me so that over the next few months I can deliver more than I ever thought possible. I’ve changed bank accounts (boring), written a short story (fun), began selling (trying to) stock videography and photography and most excitingly I have truly levelled up in how much the company gives back to the world both ecologically and socially. This one excites me the most as I look at companies like LEAP, FINISTERRE and PATAGONIA and see that amazing things can happen for ‘the conscious company’.
That’s me for now, letting you know I’m still here and while the sun has shone, I’ve been grafting away, growing and will be ready to help you all very soon.
Stay safe,