Let’s start with a fact. COVID-19 stands for COrona-like VIral Disease - 2019.
I enjoyed finding that out. And now you know. So let’s move on…
Some of us were furloughed and took to the ol’ DIY during lockdown. Some were left with no idea whatsoever as to how we could move forwards when our businesses rely on face to face interaction.
I was in the latter. To be fair I have done a hefty bit of DIY myself during this time but have also been busy putting together guidelines on how I can offer the services I do while maintaining a safe environment.
The good news is, I have a highly vulnerable son (I know, I’m bragging). Why is this good news? Because it means that I have been practicing the fighting of infections ever since he was born. Which was ten months before it was cool. But on a serious note, I have a responsibility to protect him.. So with that in mind I will be protecting him to my utmost. The best way to do this is by being way more than simply ‘Alert’. I will pro-actively be the safest, Covid dodging monkey that you’ve ever seen.
I’m not f***ing around when it comes to this little big man.
Along with real life tested and well practiced methods, I have also used the advice of The W.H.O (not the band) and am sure that I can offer headshot sessions safely, on location and in the studio.
So without further ado. Here is what I have proposed. As with everything I do, it is open to your scrutiny.
I will take bookings from the start of June. In all reality, I will not be opening my doors until July or August. I do not want to rush getting people into my studio until we know it’s safe. We will all have to learn to live with risk, but there’s no point in rushing that.
If it seems that July/ August doesn’t look ready. Then I will not open. If we need to reschedule then that is what we will do. Because of the relative uncertainty, I will be reducing all the costs of my headshot sessions. I will write about that in another post.
Luckily at The Old Bakery Studios, we have very pro-active landlords. Cleaning regimes throughout the public areas of the building have been increased and as a community of creatives sharing a space, everyone is very mindful of the current climate. Many of the tenants are still yet to return.
Luckily my door is the first door that you get to when arriving at the Old Bakery. I will open the doors before you arrive and you will be greeted with a big pot of hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes should you need them.
I have spent a lot of time in the studio measuring and marking. I have removed unnecessary items of furniture and have re-jigged the layout to offer maximum space for two people at a time.
But what if there are more than two people?
If you arrive with a chaperone, then they must be a member of your household. There is still space for three people to socially distance while the shoot continues. No more than three people I’m afraid (one of which will be me).
Do I need to wear a mask?
Although it would make a very interesting headshot, I don’t think your casting director would appreciate it. So No, you don’t have to wear a mask. But please don’t be alarmed if I wear one.
How can I trust the person ahead of my session didn’t have the virus?
Other than cleaning before and after every session, I will only be allowing one session per day and at present, only one or two sessions per week With a minimum of 72 hours between each client. This is not the best business decision that I could make. But it’s a conscious decision to prevent the spread. And the benefits to the client are massive, it means my workflow and turnover will be much faster! So you get your headshots sooner. Hazzaa!
If you have any symptoms (of anything) then do not turn up to your session. But do let me know. We can re-schedule.
If I have any symptoms, I will let you know in as much time as possible.
Before and after each client I will be doing a deep clean of my studio. Antibac, sanitiser and elbow grease will play a big roll in the studio’s future it seems.
What did I miss?
As with most good intentions, they sometimes fall short and in this instance ‘short’ isn’t good enough. If you feel you have anything constructive that you can add. If you see anything I’ve missed then please let me know. One of the main reasons that I have pushed back my opening date is because I need time to get this perfect. To improve and hone the plan. If you feel you can help, comment below and of course ask away if you have questions. thank you.
As ever, stay safe and I will be posting again tomorrow about some very exciting plans,